Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why I Love Teaching At Suwannee River Bible College

1. The college was founded, and is led by, men who are committed to expository preaching. Thank you Pastor Brad Bailey and Pastor Chad Bailey!!!

2. Those enrolled are committed to knowing and growing in God's Word.

3. It is refreshing to see teachable, hungry, and skilled students setting at the feet of the teacher with a desire to be fed.

4. Teaching at the college makes me study more thoroughly.

5. It is good to see men and women reaching for the goal [Diploma,Degree]and the satisfaction of having achieved something really worth while.

6. It is rewarding to have the privilege of investing in the lives of men and women, the whole counsel of God's Word.

7. I love the fellowship after the class as iron sharpens iron over a great meal.

8. The goal is to impart truth and valuable experience into the lives of faithful men who will be able to pass it on to faithful men.