Review our Lessons:
Lesson # 1: “Before Creation” Gen. 1a
Lesson # 2: “God Created” Gen. 1:1b-2
Lesson # 3: “God Formed” Gen. 1:3-13 [Day 1-3]
Lesson # 4: “God Filled” Gen. 1:14-23 [Day 4-5]
Lesson # 5: “God Filled” Gen. 1:24-31 [Day 6]
Review our Creation Days:
Day 1- Earth, Light, and Time
Day 2- Water and Sky
Day 3- Plant Life
Day 4- Sun, Moon, and Stars
Day 5- Fish and Fowl
Day 6- Land Animals and Man
TT- God created in six literal days and rested [ceased] on the seventh day.
What does this seventh day rest speak of? There are 3 reasons this day is holy or unique as indicated by 3 verbs in this passage
1. The verb “finished” [v. 1].
2. The verb “rested” [v. 2].
3. The verb “blessed” [v. 3].
“God finished…God rested…God blessed.”
1. God Finished His Work [v. 1].
Four times in the first 3 verses God states that the entire work of creation was completed in six days. On the seventh day God ceased from creating.
Creation is not a evolutionary process still in process.
At the end of each day God stated “it was good.” Now after the sixth day God said, “It was very good.” [1:31].
Six days earlier nothing existed, now after the six days we have it as it is now.
The six days of work and seventh of rest that God would require of his covenant people.
Ex. 20:9-11; 31:16-17
2. God Rested From His Work [v. 2].
Having finished or ending his work, God rested. What does this mean?
1. God did not get tired and rest [Isa. 40:28; Ps. 121:4]. God rested from all his work [v. 3].
2. God ceased His creative activity. This does not mean he does not uphold his creation or Lord’s over his creation.
3. There is no mention of a rest for Adam. No Sabbath rest is instituted here but later in the law.
4. The Old covenant priestly and ceremonial commandments were abolished in the New Covenant because they were fulfilled in Christ.
5. There is not statement regarding the seventh day as with the other six days, “and the morning and the evening were the # day.” God has given a permanent rest from his creative works.
6. Sabbath Laws given at Sinai pertained to national Israel not Christians [Ex. 31:16-17]. God gave the Sabbath to Israel as His special covenant sign (Ex. 31:12-17).
3. God Blessed the Seventh Day [v. 3].
God hallowed the seventh day as a memorial. He made a permanent reminder of the glory of creation.
MacArthur says, “To reject the six-day creation is to un-bless the seventh day.” If everything evolved from nothing by chance and creation was spread over long ages, there is no seventh day.
What does this mean for us?
Saturday is the completion of creation when God rested. Sunday reminds us of our Sabbath rest in Christ.
Saturday celebrated his finished work in creation while Sunday celebrates his finished work in redemption thru Jesus.