Three Appearings
Hebrew 9:24-28
As believers in the New
Covenant, we don't depend on a human to enter a temporary earthly tabernacle.
We depend the heavenly High Priest who entered once and for all into the
eternal sanctuary where He represents us forever before God.
He will never let us go, He
will never stop representing us, and He will never stop His intercession for
us. That is a promise given to us by God as stated in His written Word.
"now to appear"
means that Christ reported to the Father that He fulfilled His mission. The
work of Christ is a completed work, final and eternal.
Note that the word
"appear" is used 3 times in Heb 9:24-28?
- He has appeared to take away our sin by dying on
the cross [v. 26]. Deals with the past and position.
- He is appearing now in heaven for us [v. 24]. Deals
with the present and progressive.
- He shall appear to take Christians home [v. 28].
Deals with the future and perfect [complete].
These represent what is
called the "three tenses of salvation" all based on Christ's finished
1. Justification [regeneration] we are in Christ and freed from the
penalty of sin.
2. Sanctification is the journey to being more like Christ and being freed
from the power of sin.
3. Glorification is at the resurrection when we will be like Christ
and freed from the presence of sin.